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Get Started with a Proof of Value

Concrete Wall

We've built a low cost, low risk POV to get you started.

Don't Delay - Time Kills Advantage

You can try any of the publicly available GPTs for sales strategy and advice anytime. It's an "ok" way to get started & familiar. But the outcome will be mediocrity - inconsistencies, erroneous advice, lack of relevance and the danger of confidentiality breaches.

You can also be overwhelmed by the number of tools and use cases, and form a committee or council to consider all the options.  Or you can get out there, get your feet wet, learn a ton about customizing GPTs and become a leader of transformation. 

Crystal Salt
Deliver GenAI to your sales team the right way, and asap

We recommend a 4-6 week POV to build an initial custom GPT, then onboard a cross section of sales team members. The process is collaborative, and involves a preparation phase, an onboarding phase and a review phase.

The preparation requires your input and selection of 3 components:

Prep: Scope

Select the scope for your GPT, whether at the organization, specific product or target vertical level. 

Prep: People

Select up to 5 people with a cross section of skills and experience. Or bring the whole team into the POV.

Prep: Content

Aggregate a portfolio of sales and marketing content based on the scope. We will review GTM content. 

POV Project Plan

The Shadow Seller team will formalize and execute a POV plan based on the scope.

Proof of Value Checklist and Cost
  • A controlled implementation of Shadow within a select group of sales team members. A Limited-scale trial to showcase feasibility and value.

  • Demonstrate Shadow's value in pre-agreed areas with specific goals.

  • Cost between $10k - $15k based on scope and corpus preparation effort.

  • Includes a 3 month Shadow SaaS license for up to 5 users.

Ready to get started?
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