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Welcome to the “Savvy Seller” - Shadow Seller’s stories that spell out & simplify…

Welcome to Shadow Seller's blog, where we're all about ditching outdated sales methods for cutting-edge excellence. Here, we offer insights and strategies to boost the savvy of sales leaders, pros and CEOs. Dive into innovative sales tactics, bust myths, and discover hidden gems to streamline your workflow and enhance productivity. Our posts are packed with practical tips and real-world examples to shake up your sales approach. Whether you're a sales vet looking for an edge, a sales leader trying to finally overcome some of those repetitive problems or a CEO aiming for growth, you've found your resource. Join us on this journey to sales success and stay tuned for content on making sales simpler and more effective. Welcome aboard Shadow Seller's world

A Response to the Future of B2B Sales: Adopting AI and Evolving Strategies:

The recent Gartner report on the future of B2B sales highlights significant trends and transformations, emphasizing the rise of AI and digital channels. While some of these insights are valuable, others are not new, and there are areas where the report's enthusiasm for change obscures practical realities with a fog of fear! Gartner’s “Future of Sales” lurches all over the place, so let’s dive in…

1. Slow(er) Adoption and Adaptation to AI in Sales

Despite the transformative potential of AI, the report's assertion that sales organizations will swiftly transition to data-driven, hyper automated environments is overly optimistic. Back on planet Earth, human beings are notoriously slow to adopt and adapt. This will be (is) true of both buyers and sellers. We still depend on carrots and sticks to encourage change in behaviors, refusing to recognize the influence of friction. When will your AI buy from my AI with “no” human interaction at all? We don’t know when, and without that knowledge, we must carry on adapting and adopting the best we can, but we know that day is coming.

2. Buyer Centricity is Not a New Concept

The report emphasizes a shift from seller-centric to buyer-centric strategies, as though this is a novel approach. However, the idea of buyer centricity has been a topic of discussion for years in the sales and marketing communities. And it’s rarely made its way from discussion to anything much more tangible. The importance of focusing on the needs and behaviors of buyers is well established, it’s just not well practiced. The tools and technologies available to help here continue to expand and improve, and herein lies a problem – there are so many boasting transformative results it’s become hard to trust what new vendors are saying while distinguishing one solution from another. Ultimately, the challenge lies much deeper – do companies really think the way to success is through happy customers or happy shareholders, and are the two always connected? Finding this balance proves elusive.

3. The Impact of COVID-19 on B2B Buying Behavior

The report mentions that "B2B buying behavior has grown more unpredictable due to COVID-19 and market volatility," but fails to provide specific insights into how COVID-19 has altered buyer behavior. Blaming the pandemic for unpredictability without detailing the exact changes is unhelpful. Of course, Gartner needs to be vague so as to perpetuate the myth that we all need them, all the time, to explain all this complicated stuff to us mere mortal graduates of State schools!

4. Evolution of Seller Involvement in the B2B Buying Process

The assertion that "B2B customers radically discount the perceived value of sellers" is an overgeneralization and suggests a future with less seller involvement. The world is already moving this way, but it’s an evolution, not a revolution. AI and digital tools should (and will) be leveraged to make sellers more valuable to buyers. AI makes sellers more efficient. It’s the mental equivalent of the exoskeleton in various science fiction movies like Elysium and Edge of Tomorrow. Sellers are/will be able to simply do more and do it better. As digital natives become decision-makers, the role of the seller will continue to change. It may even disappear, but it won't disappear tomorrow.

5. Leadership in Sales: Enabling Buyers

The report's most important point is that "CSOs must become leaders of selling, rather than leaders of sellers." This is a crucial point, but it misses a deeper insight: the ultimate goal is to enable buying, not necessarily selling. The role of sales leaders should evolve to focus on how they can make it easier for customers to buy from their organizations. This involves not just leading a team of sellers or managing selling processes but creating an environment where the buyer's journey is as differentiated, smooth, and supported as possible. The perspective has to be that it's a buyer's journey, NOT a sales process.


“Experts” like Gartner love to spread the FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt). It’s how they get you (us) to feel like we need their expertise to guide us through the “Uncertainty” of that FUD, and therefore how they make a lucrative living. Some of what Gartner says is a compelling vision of the future of B2B sales (although they’re understandably vague). Even though the speed of change has picked up, and will continue with the advent of popular AI, we’re still some time from AIs selling to and buying from one another, but there is wisdom here:

  • Thinking about enabling “selling” rather than “sellers” is a valuable distinction. But don’t get carried away. You’ll need to AI-enable your sellers first – equip them with those “mental exoskeletons.”

  • A thought here is about the definitions you use. For example, selling isn’t about selling, it’s about enabling buying, enabling people to “buy” from you. Good sellers intuitively understand this, by the way, and always have.

  • On the journey to human-free transactions, Gartner is really saying that we should leverage AI to increase the value that sellers bring to the process. From an inward-looking perspective, AI enables your team to simply do more, faster. And we know what that means!

"Times they are are changing" and "may you live in interesting times" and all that jazz. Times are always changing and have you ever met anyone who hasn't lived in interesting times? It's always going to be different this time! But maybe, this is.

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As a Brit, there's some irony to penning something on American Independence. But the universal quest for freedom transcends borders, much like the transformative powers of Generative AI in the realm of sales. That sounds terribly grand, doesn’t it and might be a bit of a stretch, but here goes!

In the sweltering summer of 1776, America's Founding Fathers deliberated intensely in Philadelphia, drafting a document that would boldly declare their independence and reshape the future. There was lots of weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth and sweating bullets (so to speak.) Today, in a similar spirit of revolutionary change (and summer heat), modern sales teams can declare freedom from outdated practices and constraints. With the advent of Generative AI (such as the innovative solutions provided by Shadow Seller AI - shameless plug), salespeople and sales leaders can liberate themselves from ineffective training, overbearing management, and the unpredictability that has long plagued the profession. So cast off those shackles, shout “no taxation without representation”, and read how GenAI ushers in a new era of independence and empowerment for sales professionals, leaders, and company executives alike.

  • The Revolutionary Promise of GenAI in Sales In the storied past of American Independence, the colonists sought freedom from oppressive governance and the limitations imposed by distant rulers (although I didn’t think they were that bad!) Similarly modern sales teams face their own set of challenges—outmoded training methods, constant pressure, unrealistic expectations, unnecessary and intrusive scrutiny, with sales leaders usually having to rely on a few top performers. Generative AI solutions (like Shadow Seller) represent a modern 'Declaration of Independence' for the sales world, offering freedom through technology (and domain know-how)  that revolutionizes sales readiness.

  • Emancipating Sales Teams For sales professionals feeling stifled by traditional training and management, GenAI provides a liberating alternative. By leveraging GenAI, sellers are equipped with tailored insights and real-time coaching & guidance, allowing them to manage & improve their performance independently. This shift reduces the reliance on sporadic training sessions and unproductive oversight, enabling salespeople to take control of their outcomes with confidence and autonomy.

  • Liberating Sales Leaders Sales leaders often find themselves tied down by the need to closely supervise deals and manage the uneven performance across their teams. GenAI offers an escape from these burdens by democratizing the skills and tactics typically reserved for top-tier sales performers. With the application of the right solutions & tools, leaders can elevate their entire team's performance, reducing the disparity between 'A players' and the rest. This not only alleviates the pressure on leaders to micromanage but also spreads opportunities more evenly across the team.

  • Freeing Company Leadership At the highest levels, company leaders grapple with the unpredictability of sales outcomes and the intense scrutiny from investors and board members that comes with it. GenAI can significantly mitigate these issues by providing more consistent and predictable performance. With a clearer understanding of sales dynamics and enhanced performance predictability, leaders can make more informed decisions, reducing the stress of unforeseen sales fluctuations.

Just as the signing of the Declaration of Independence marked a new beginning for America, the integration of GenAI in sales marks a pivotal shift towards independence and empowerment in the business world. Shadow Seller AI and similar technologies are not just tools; they are the bearers of a new sales revolution. By embracing these advancements, sales teams, leaders, and company executives can liberate themselves from the chains of traditional constraints, ushering in a new era of freedom, performance, efficiency, and success. Declare your independence today and lead your sales team into a new era of possibilities. Now you can go get a beer and a hot dog and enjoy America as we celebrate our independence.

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A play on the phrase from olde England. When one monarch passed, and the heir to the throne took their place, it was an announcement that the (current) Queen (or King) is dead followed by a wish that the (new) Queen (or King) lived a long time.

Now that's cleared up...moving on...The first time I heard of a sales playbook I was introduced to it by someone I competed with and later collaborated with. They made a grand claim that they'd written a playbook that a much larger company hijacked and propelled them to success. Massive overstatement, but whatevs. At the time I was too dumb to ask the obvious question which was and remains “what is a sales playbook?” When I eventually did ask the question and got to see one, I was disappointed to say the least. All it was, and what most sales playbooks were, is pages of overcomplicated hard to read, word salad, mumbo jumbo. The word playbook was used loosely in the extreme.

It wasn't until a few years later that I'd actually saw a real football playbook and realized how the two couldn't be more different. Which explains the lack of success of sales playbooks despite their fashionable and popular status. But fortunately, we can see the end of the playbook era. Let's explain that.

Origins and Evolution

The idea of a sales playbook (as mentioned) is inspired by the concept of a playbook in sports, where coaches develop a series of predefined plays or strategies that players can execute during a game, given an intent and set of circumstances. Similarly, sales leaders create playbooks to equip their teams with predefined sales strategies, tactics, and actions given an intent and set of circumstances. According to TechCXO: “this approach has evolved over time with advancements in technology and data analytics, allowing for more dynamic and adaptive sales playbooks that can be updated in real-time to reflect changing market conditions and customer needs​.”

What is (or was) the sales playbook?

A sales playbook is a strategic document or toolkit designed to guide sales teams through various aspects of the sales process. It includes a compilation of best practices, strategies, messaging, and tools that sellers can use to effectively guide their engagement with prospects. It was designed to help answer the question “what do I do next?” The playbook typically outlines the following components:

  1. Sales Processes: Detailed descriptions of each step in the sales process, from prospecting to closing and beyond.

  2. Sales Strategies: Specific strategies tailored to different customer personas and sales scenarios.

  3. Messaging: Key messages, value propositions, and objection-handling techniques.

  4. Tools and Resources: Templates, scripts, and other resources that sales reps can use during their interactions with prospects.

  5. Metrics and Benchmarks: Performance indicators and goals to track progress and effectiveness.

  6. Training Materials: Content designed to help salespeople improve their skills and stay updated with the latest techniques.

It's getting complicated - right?

What was the Idea Behind Sales Playbooks?

The concept of sales playbooks is rooted in the idea of providing a standardized approach to sales that can be replicated and scaled across an organization. The primary goals of a sales playbook are to:

  • Ensure Consistency: By standardizing the sales approach, companies tried to ensure that all sales representatives behave similarly in given sales stages. They are supposed to deliver a consistent message and follow a process. Literally an attempt to get everyone on the same page!

  • Increase Efficiency: With a structured guide, sales reps could quickly access the information they need, reducing the time spent on planning and increasing the time spent on selling (not).

  • Improve Performance: By incorporating best practices and successful strategies, playbooks aim to improve the overall performance of the sales team.

  • Facilitate Training and Onboarding: Playbooks serve as a valuable training tool for new hires, helping them to get up to speed quicker with the company’s sales processes and methodologies.

Why sales playbook’s fail(ed)

Despite their benefits, traditional sales didn't help much:

  • Static Nature: Many sales playbooks are static documents that do not evolve with market changes, making them less effective over time. They get “developed once – used seldom.” The only place they “evolve” to is from being a printed doc, sitting on a desk, lonely and ignored, to a printed doc sitting on a bookshelf, feeling equally lonely and ignored.

  • Time-Consuming: to create and maintain. And too complicated to use. A comprehensive sales playbook takes time and people. Time we don't have and people who are generally unwilling or unable to do maintain them or use them.

  • Low Adoption: Sales teams never consistently use playbooks. They find them generic, rigid, over complicated or irrelevant to their daily activities. They’re un-engaging and boring. They can’t talk back!


So what does “long live playbooks” actually mean. Remember the definition. A playbook is a “document or toolkit designed to guide sales teams through various aspects of the sales process.” The next incarnation (just like the new Monarch) is the latest version. In this case sellers still need guidance and mentoring, there are simply far better ways of doing it these days. Ways that don’t suffer the shortcomings of the “olde” sales playbook idea. Ways that are dynamic, fast, and interactive. Ways that are agile and can adapt to the thrills and spills, ups and downs and ebbs and flows of the sales pursuit. So we salute the olde sales playbook, say thanks and God’s speed, and usher in the age of a new solution that really answers the question “what do I do next?”



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